March for Democracy to continue : Khaleda Zia

KaledaTerming the current regime ‘illegal’ and ‘undemocratic’, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday asked the government to quit immediately to avert the dire consequences.
“This government is illegal and undemocratic. If this government has any shame, it should quit,” Khaleda told reporters in the afternoon having failed to come out of her residence to join the 18-party’s ‘March for Democracy’ programme at Nayapaltan.
The BNP chief said their March for Democracy programme will continue tomorrow, no matter what. “Our programme will continue tomorrow, even day after tomorrow …it’ll continue, let’s see what you (govt) can do.”
Khaleda Zia walked out of her residence carrying the national flag at 2:50pm and got into her car to join the programme, but failed to come out due to police barricades in front of her residence.
Being barred by law enforcers, she got down from the car at 3:35pm and she was heard saying, “I tried to come out again and again. But I’m not allowed to come out, I’m confined. Let me come out, if you have the courage.”
Later, the opposition leader sent out a message saying that she wants to talk to the media. Sources said around eight platoons of police have been deployed around the opposition leader’s house since Saturday night.
The law enforcers have created barricades on two sides of the road in front of the residence. Several trucks have also been parked there indiscriminately.
The law enforcers also dumped two trucks of sand in front of the main gate of Khaleda’s residence, apparently to create an obstacle to movement of the opposition leader’s vehicle. BNP leaders alleged the opposition leader’s police protocol has also been withdrawn.

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