Yunus addresses Business Forum in Shanghai

YunusA one-day forum of bankers and investment fund managers on Inclusive Finance and Social business has been addressed by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.
The program has been organized Shanghai Jiao Tong (commercial) University in the campus.
Over two hundred leading bankers and investment fund managers attended the day long forum and interacted with Professor Yunus.
Professor Yunus pointed out that China has joined all other nations in the world in signing the Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations last month.
Goal number one is to bring poverty to zero by 2030. China has the opportunity to lead the world in achieving this particular goal. It now falls on all banks and investment funds to make sure they play their role in achieving this goal.
He pointed out financial services to the poorest, and building social businesses, to address their problems, may be helpful in achieving the goal.
High net worth people, bankers, managers of investment funds, head of Boston Consulting Group, China, NGO leaders attended a dinner hosted in honor of Professor Yunus. The dinner was accompanied with Shanghai’s famous cultural programs.
This Forum was planned by the business faculty of the university specially to coincide with Professor Yunus’s visit to Shanghai.
Some of the faculty members, who attended this year’s Social Business Day in Dhaka on May 28, took the lead in organizing the Forum.

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