Nobel laureate Yunus sued in fraud case

Muhammad YunusA contractor company has filed a case against Nobel laureate and Grameen Telecom Trust chairman Muhammad Yunus on allegations of fraudulence.
Bahadul Islam, owner of Taj Enterprises, filed the case accusing Yunus and three others with with the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate on Tuesday.
The Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate accepted the case and asked the Pallabi police station to give report after investigating the matter.
Other accused of this case are: chief executive officer of Grameen Telecom Ashraful Hasan and two other officials of the telecom company- Zahidul Islam and Asaduzzaman.
Ferdous Ahmed, the lawyer of the plaintiff, told newsmen that the contractor company Taj Enterprises did some construction works for Grameen telecom company in Ashulia’s Zirabo. The telecom company did not give the fees of the construction works as per the contract and so his plaintiff has filed the case, he added.

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