3-day Long Trade Fair kicks off today at PWTC, Malaysia

MalaysiaAs an initiative to encourage the growth and sustainability of the “Next Eleven” and to boost bilateral trade links the Malaysian government has recently declared a zero tariff on the import of 300 products from Bangladesh.

It is for this reason, Headmaster Events of Bangladesh in collaboration with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA) and Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BKMEA) decided to work with the government and other collaborate partners to host the fair.

Mr. YB Tun Hj Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi, former Prime Minister of Malaysia inaugurates the three day long trade fair titled `Trade In Bangladesh’ today at 10:00am at Johor/Kedah Room of Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mr. Shafiul Islam, CEO of Headmaster Events and first Bangladeshi Dato in Malaysia M Haider Uzzaman address in the occasion. And, just before of official inauguration of the fair a dance troupe of Malaysia performed traditional dance. Besides Bangladeshi residents in Malaysia hundreds of visitors from different countries have come to visit the stalls.

The Fair comprised of 70 plus stalls showcasing more than 300 Bangladeshi products and will be open to visitors from 10:00am-7:00pm for the first two days and from 10:00am- 5:00pm in the closing day.

Major participants of the fair are: Biman Bangladesh, Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC), Pubali Bank Ltd., Popular Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Regent Airways, National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd. (NCCBL) ad Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB).

The sponsors of the prospective trade fair are Regent Airways, NCCBL, Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB) and Elenga Hotel Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia), Event manager EXPO MEDIA Events (Malaysia) and Malaysia SME as media partner.

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