British policy fuels environment of hate for Muslims

Record-breaking 60,000 Muslims pray in BirminghamThe British Government policies, in particular those that are linked to security and extremism, are having a “negative impact” on British Muslims, a campaign body’s report says, according to a report in the BBC.
More than 60% of the 1,782 respondents to the report from the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) said they felt politicians did not care about them.
Some 56% said they had experienced verbal abuse, and 18% had faced physical assault.
The Home Office said it was committed to combating “anti-Muslim hatred”.
Other results show that 59% believed political policies had a negative impact in their life. A smaller study by the organisation in 2010 recorded nearly a third of people as saying this.
In the latest survey, more than half (58%) said they had been treated with suspicion by society, while 93% said they had seen negative stereotypes of Muslims portrayed in the media.
The research, which was not conducted in the same way as standard opinion polls, also included in-depth interviews with 50 people.

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