Daily Mail says sorry for story on ‘Muslim gang attack’

Daily Mail says sorry for story on ‘Muslim gang attack’UK paper The Daily Mail has apologized for causing offence after publishing an article on a “Muslim crime gang,” after a complaint was launched on the grounds of there being no proof of the perpetrators.
The title of the paper’s story, published last week, was “Welcome to East London: Muslim gang slashes tyres of immigration-raid van before officers showered with eggs from high-rise.”
After a complaint from a reader, Miqdaad Versi, the Daily Mail said that there was no direct evidence to prove the gang were in fact Muslims.
John Wellington, the Mail’s managing editor said in a letter to Versi that “we intended no disrespect to the Muslim religion and apologize if you were offended by the article.” The response noted that a bystander and social media posts had been their only evidence. However, the letter also defended the original article, adding that the editorial team “do not consider our report to have inaccurate or misleading.”
After receiving the response on Twitter, Versi said that he still worried as to “what constitutes sufficient evidence for such an incendiary headline.”

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