Elizabeth outrules Victoria today

QueenElizabeth Windsor isn’t your typical 89-year-old. Her life story is a little different to others her age and the petite mother of four has just become the longest-reining monarch in British history. Many of you may know her better as the Queen.
Today, Queen Elizabeth II made history by surpassing her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria’s reign of 63 years and two months, as Britain’s monarch.
Calling the day a “milestone in our history”, Her Majesty’s Consul General in Dubai and Northern Emirates, Paul Fox, commended the tremendous feat.
“Her Majesty The Queen has been unselfishly serving our nation with her unwavering devotion to duty for the past 64 years. Like many British people back home, in the UAE and around the world, we are all great admirers of the Queen for her longevity and hard work, her dedication and patriotism. We extend our gratitude for Her Majesty’s service.”

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