Europe gets 8,000 refugees daily: UN

UNA daily flow of about 8,000 refugees to Europe is likely to continue, the United Nations warns.
The figure came from UN regional coordinator for refugees, Amin Awad, in comments quoted by Reuters news agency.
More than 5,000 refugees – many from Syria or Iraq – arrive daily in Greece.
That flow could continue during the winter if the weather remains good and the borders open, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) told the BBC.
About half a million migrants – mostly from Syria and other conflict zones in the Middle East and Africa – have arrived in Europe this year.
The influx has caused tensions between EU neighbours in Central Europe, which continued on Friday despite a visit to Austria by Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
He and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann did not appear together in public after their talks.
Mr Faymann had earlier likened Hungary’s tough handling of migrants to the policies of Nazi Germany – a comparison angrily dismissed by Hungary.
Speaking in Vienna, Mr Orban said Hungary had to build a fence on its border with Croatia like the razor-wire fence completed on its border with Serbia.
What happens on the Croatia-Hungary border will be “decisive in the next few days” for the refugee crisis, he said. Hungary has nearly completed the fence on that border.
Hungary’s traditionally good relations with Austria must be maintained, Mr Orban said, urging Vienna to show “clear support” for protection of the EU’s external borders.
Hungary’s recent completion of the barrier along its border with Serbia diverted the flow of migrants towards Croatia, the EU’s newest member state.
On Friday, Croatia re-opened its main border crossing with Serbia. Its closure of the crossing – prompted by the migrant influx – had raised tensions between the two countries.
Vehicles were stopped and Serbia – a candidate to join the EU – angrily compared the restrictions with “those of the World War Two fascist regime”.
Scars remain from the Serb-Croat fighting of the 1990s when Yugoslavia disintegrated in inter-ethnic conflict.
The EU’s Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy, Johannes Hahn, visited a migrant camp in the border zone on Friday with Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic. -BBC

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