King Faisal Foundation to host winners’ lectures

ZakirKing Faisal Foundation is hosting a series of lectures by the winners of King Faisal International Prize (KFIP) this year, according to Prince Bandar bin Saud bin Khaled, secretary general of the foundation. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman will present the award to the winners on Sunday.
In his statement, he said KFIP is keen to raise the international stature of the prize for promoting awareness about Islam and a spirit of innovative culture. He added that KFIP will host lectures by the winners at the awards presentation ceremony.
On Wednesday, Zakir A. Naik, winner of the International Prize for Service to Islam, will give a talk on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in various world religious books at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies.
Prince Bandar pointed out that Zakir Naik’s lecture will deal with the Prophet’s mission as the Prophet of all humanity, not just for the Arabs or Muslims.
Naik, an Indian national, won the international prize for delivering hundreds of lectures at the seminars that explain the religion of Islam and defend its principles based on the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah.
According to him, another lecture next Monday on chemistry and applications of metals and organic frameworks will be delivered by Omar M. Yaghi, professor of physical sciences and biochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. Yaghi is the winner of the KFIP Science for this year’s award. The lecture will be held at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.
On the same day, Michael Gratzel, a Swiss professor and head of the laboratory photonics, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, and the winner of the same award, will give a lecture on solar energy: Solar cells simulator for installation photosynthesis at Al-Faisal University.

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