‘Reap the Ramadan fruit to the maximum’

KabaBelievers and faithfuls observing the Ramadan fasts were urged to reap the fruit of the holy month to the maximum by increasing prayers, supplications and giving charities.

In his Friday sermon, Sheikh Saleh Bin Humaid, imam and khateeb of the Grand Mosque, exhorted the Muslims to adhere to religious obligations even after the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

Nearly two million faithfuls from all over the world thronged the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah to offer Friday prayers.

The passion and fervor of the devout could be gauged by the fact that the Two Holy Mosques were full to the brim more than a couple of hours before the noon prayers.

All the floors and courtyards and King Abdullah Expansion Project in the Grand Mosque were full of worshipers. The rows of worshipers spilled over to the streets of central area.

More than half a million pilgrims gathered at the Prophet’s Mosque where the Friday sermon was delivered by Sheikh Abdul Bari Al-Thubaiti.

In his sermon, Bin Humaid urged the believers to have a change in life through maintaining piety and virtues realized in Ramadan throughout the rest of the life.

He called on the worshippers to have self-introspection, saying: “Let the believers examine the difference between their lives before Ramadan and after Ramadan.

If their life after Ramadan is better than their life earlier, this shows the acceptance of their prayers and bettering of their lives,” he said.

Bin Humaid called on the faithful to to have good companionship and friendship in leading virtuous life and always strive to stay away from evil.

In his sermon, Al-Thubaiti urged the believers to take full advantage of the last ten days of Ramadan, saying “the last ten days are better than the first 20 days of Ramadan altogether.”

He said that the remaining days offer a golden opportunity to compete in doing virtues in words and deeds, seeking forgiveness and gaining the pleasure of Almighty Allah.

As the holy month entered its fourth and last week, the faithful are embarking on vigorous prayers and worship by offering taraweeh and qiyamullail (late night) prayers, seeking the blessings of Lailat Al-Qadr (Night of Power), a night which is better than a thousand months.

Thousands of worshipers are performing itikaf (seclusion and staying in the mosque with the intention of worshipping) at the Two Holy Mosques. -Saudi Gazette

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