Scotland to take 300 Syrian refugees before year end

MigrantsScotland will be receiving a third of the Syrian refugees which are due to arrive in the UK before Christmas. In a reflection of the country’s readiness in comparison to other parts of the UK, Scotland is preparing to welcome one in three of the thousand refugees David Cameron has agreed to take, before the end of the year according to a report in The Guardian.
Making the announcement, the Scottish government’s minister for Europe and international development, Humza Yousaf, said: “Scotland’s response to the humanitarian crisis has been phenomenal and we have been working to ensure we provide a very warm welcome to those who come to Scotland seeking protection, safety and security.”
After chairing another meeting of the refugee taskforce which was set up to co-ordinate Scotland’s practical response to the humanitarian crisis, Yousaf added: “Of the refugees expected to arrive in the UK before Christmas, Scotland is expected to take around one-third, and this is testament to the work of the taskforce, local authorities and many other partner organisations to ensure we are ready – and we are ready. It is a great symbol of our compassion that Scotland is expected to take a third of refugees arriving before Christmas, while making up only 10% of the UK population.”

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