Tannery industries to take Bangladesh economy forward: Mozena

MojinaThe US ambassador to Bangladesh Dan W Mozena today said after the garment industries, it is the tannery industries that will take the economy of Bangladesh forward in future.
Mozana came up with the observations while visiting tannery industrial park in Horindhora area of Hemayetpur, Savar.
During the visit, Mozena urged the factory owners in this sector to pay special attention to the health, accommodation and salary of the workers.
Mozena also visited the construction work of effluent treatment plant (ETP) and expressed his satisfaction over the pace of the work. Later he exchanged views with entrepreneurs of this sector.
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation president Ahmod Hossain Khan, project director for the project Dhaka tannery industries park Sirajul Haider, managing director of Apex tannery AKM Rahmat Ullah, MP, chairman of Bangladesh Finished Leather Goods and Footwear Exporters Association Engineer M Abu Taher were present at the meeting among others.

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