Turkey’s first lady distributes aid at Rohingya camp

TurkeyTurkey’s First Lady Emine Erdogan handed out aid to Rohingya Muslim refugees during a visit to a camp near the Myanmar border on Thursday.
“It is impossible not to be touched by this as a human being,” she said after passing boxes to desperate refugees at the camp at Kutupalong, which lies within sight of the frontier.
“I hope the world gives some thought to this subject and helps them with both humanitarian assistance and politically,”
According to the UN’s refugee agency, 164,000 Rohingya have crossed the border since Aug. 25, when Myanmar security forces launched a security operation against Rohingya militants.
However, refugees have said the crackdown had been used to mask widespread killing, looting and the burning of Rohingya villages by the military and Buddhist mobs.
Erdogan, who was accompanied by her son Bilal and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, called for the international community to halt the violence, which she described as an “unbelievable tragedy in this age”.
On Tuesday, Myanmar agreed to allow the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency to enter Rakhine state to deliver 1,000 tons of aid.

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