Turkish first lady receives humanitarian service award

Turkey’s First Lady Emine Erdogan on Tuesday received an award at an international forum in London in recognition of her humanitarian services.

“Turkish nation is a philanthropic nation with a deep-rooted history of charitable foundations,” she said, in her acceptance speech after receiving the Humanitarian Service Recognition Award at the Global Donors Forum.

She said Turkey was extending a helping hand to millions of refugees across the world.

“Turkey is the largest donor of humanitarian aid in the world as a ratio of its gross national income,” the first lady said.

“I receive ‘The Humanitarian Service Recognition Award’ on behalf of such a noble nation which represents the conscience of humanity.

“The true recipient of this meaningful award which I am honored to accept is my country, my state and my nation which respond to any cry for help no matter where it comes from and regardless of religion, language or race!”

She highlighted the atrocities committed against people across the world.

“Let us pay tribute to all the downtrodden who are oppressed in Yemen, Syria, Bangladesh, Gaza and, in particular, to our most beloved Jerusalem!

“I would like to cordially salute the other half of our hearts; my brothers and sisters from Pakistan, Malaysia, Bosnia and Sudan.”

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