Windows 10 unveiled with new browser

Windows 10 unveiled with new browser Microsoft EdgeAs of July 29th, Windows users across the world will be able to switch to Windows 10. People who have reserved a copy will begin receiving Microsoft 10 in batches. As more copies become available, Windows will automatically scan systems to determine whether they are compatible, and then download Windows 10 automatically and free of charge.
Here are a few of the notable new features that local users should be aware of:
1) The new system includes “Cortana”, which is being billed as “the world’s first truly digital assistant.” To interact with the new system, users can either type the traditional way, or talk as you would to a real human being. Cortana – which can be linked to your smartphone – can provide recommendations, easy access to web information as well as reminders of important events.
2) Windows 10 provides free malware detection through Windows Protector, and is the only platform currently on the market which provides ongoing security updates for the duration of a device’s lifespan.
3) A new internet browser called “Microsoft Edge”, which comes with a built-in commenting and sharing system. Edge also includes a new reader interface which makes reading websites easier. When coupled with Cortana, Edge can offer results and web recommendations based on your personal interests.
4) Windows 10 comes with an updated desktop suite of Microsoft Office 2016 products, some of which (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) can be used across a range of devices.
5) For gamers, Windows 10 can be integrated with the Xbox Live gaming network on both desktops and tablets, allowing you to simultaneously communicate with friends while gaming. A game DVR allows players to record play.

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