Canopy Shisha Bar ordered to close

A Poplar shisha bar that persistently disturbed residents has been ordered to close for six weeks, after Tower Hamlets Council took action against it.
In a hearing at Thames Magistrates’ Court on February 13, the Shisha Lounge (also known as the Canopy Shisha Bar), 1a Broomfield Street, was issued with a closure order running until March 27.
The council took action after receiving numerous complaints from residents and local businesses about anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance emanating from the shisha bar.
Various concerns were also raised about the planning and environmental health implications of the premises, and health and safety issues were raised by the London Fire Brigade.
Numerous complaints had also been received from residents and local businesses about anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance emanating from the shisha bar.
Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “The court agreed that this premises was a persistent source of anti-social behaviour which was disturbing residents.”
Cllr Ohid Ahmed, Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “I hope that this closure order brings local residents some relief.”
Last November the council received two petitions from local residents objecting to the shisha bar, one of which had 164 signatories.
The court granted the closure order after agreeing with the council that people were regularly and persistently engaging in anti-social behaviour on the premises, that the use of the premises had been associated with persistent and serious nuisance to the public, and that the order was necessary to prevent further disorder and nuisance.

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