25 October: 8 Killed , 562 Injured

At least eight activists of opposition BNP were killed and hundreds injured as clash erupted in many districts between BNP activists and law enforcers along with Awami League activists.
Cox’s Bazar
Three Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD) and a Jubo Dal leaders were killed and 50 other people, were injured, including two bullet-hit, as BGB personnel opened fire on processions brought out by BNP at Chokoria and Pekua defying Sec 144 imposed by the local administrations on Friday.
Witnesses said the members of the paramilitary force Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) opened fire when BNP leaders and activists brought out seperate processions defying the restriction imposed by police on demonstrations, including processions and rallies.
Two of the deceased were identified as Badshah Mia, 25, was vice-president of Chokoria Municipality ward No. 2 (Halkakara) unit Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal and Mizanur Rahman, a JCD leader of Kakara area. Identity of the other victim, reportedly a JCD activist, could not be ascertained immediately.
Three people have been killed and at least 35 injured in a triangular clash among activists of BNP and Awami League and cops in Faridganj upazila headquarters on Friday afternoon.
The deceased was identified as Mohammad Arif, 28, Jahingir, 35, and Sharif, 32. They were BNP activists.
Witnesses said BNP leaders and activists brought out a procession from T&T area of the upazila headquarters around 4pm.
As the procession reached Veterinary Hospital, police and Awami League activists attacked it, triggering a triangular clash.
At one stage, police opened fire on the BNP men.The law enforcers fired over 200 rounds of rubber bullets and teargas shells during the clash leaving Arif dead on the spot.
Among the other two deceased, Jahangir succumbed to injury in the hospital. Sharif breathed his last while he was taken to Dhaka for medical treatment.
Six of the injured were rushed to Chandpur Sadar Hospital while the rest to other hospitals and clinics.
In Nilphamari one Shibir activist was killed in a clash with police.
A 198-party activist was allegedly killed in attack of local Awami League activists in Kashimabari area under Shyamnagar Upazila of the district on Friday morning.
The deceased was identified as Shafiqul Islam, 40, son of late Ansar Nikari.
Sources said that opposition activists brought out a procession in Natun Bazar area while Awami League activists started to throw brick chips aiming the procession, leaving the man dead on the spot.
In Patuakhali, as serious clash between police and 18-party activists left at least 65 including five cops injured.
At least 40 people were injured in sporadic clashes between Awami League and BNP in Ranishankail upazila of the district on Friday afternoon.
The injured were treated at various local hospitals including Ranishankail Upazila Health Complex.
President of Ranishankail Upazila BNP Ainul Haque Master informed press  that Awmi League activists attacked while 18-party were holding a rally in front of the upazila BNP office, leaving 40 people injured.

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