7000 food pack delivered by Island Networks Covid19 support team

There was a light drizzle on the Isle of Dogs yesterday, 27th July – but still the volunteers from the Island Network were out and about, delivering food supplies to elderly and vulnerable residents.
Seventeen volunteers Led by Maium Miah Talukdar Network Chair, braved the unseasonal weather and handed out 70 food pack and meals out to local elderly and vulnerable residents.
Island Network volunteers distribute weekly meals and food packs to over 150 needy residents, local schools and care homes on the Isle of Dogs.
“I am proud to say that, since the lock down started we have distributed over 7,067 hot meals and food packs to local elderly and vulnerable residents,” said Island Network Chair Maium Miah Talukdar.
“I am also really proud that we as a team are making a difference in the community. We are sometimes out delivering food packs 2-3 times a week there is so much need and demand for help in the community. We are at least making people smile during this crisis! Once again, a massive thanks to our volunteers and to One Housing Group for funding.”
“I would also like to thank all our Island Network partner community organisations, our sponsors, & Canary Wharf Group. We are grateful to them for supporting our COVID-19 outreach work. Without such widespread support, it would have been impossible to serve our vulnerable residents.”

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