Bangladesh ready to send peacekeepers anywhere: PM

HasinaPrime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday said there was no hesitation on Bangladesh part to send its troops to conflict-ridden and dangerous regions of the world under the sponsorship of the Security Council Mandate.
The Prime Minister also said all necessary steps will be taken to upgrade the Armed Forces and Police so that they can respond to the UN call with all necessary equipment more effectively.
She was addressing a function commemorating the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 2015 held at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC).
“I urge all members of the Armed Forces and Bangladesh Police and other peacekeepers to maintain their professionalism, honesty, dedication, courage and friendly attitude in the peacekeeping operations,” she said.
The Prime Minister said her government has been maintaining effective diplomatic relations with friendly countries and pursuing the initiative of United Nations in promoting global peace.
The Prime Minister said the people of Bangladesh alongside the global community would always remember the role of peacekeepers in establishing global peace.
Bangladesh Armed Forces and Bangladesh Police in association with the office of United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh organised the function commemorating the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers – 2015.
Hasina hoped that the peacekeeping activities of Bangladesh would flourish further.
“It’s our expectation that you establish Bangladesh as a strong peace establishing-country in the world and uphold its flag on the global stage. We want to build Bangladesh as a peaceful and dignified country in South Asia,” she said.
She also expressed her conviction that the peacekeepers would always remain prepared to extend any support for the sake of the motherland.
According to the latest release of UN, at present 1,07,805 peacekeepers of 122 countries are deployed across the world. Of them 9,593, including 205 female peacekeepers, are from Bangladesh.
The Prime Minister said she was happy to learn that Bangladesh Armed Forces and police have increased female participation in the peacekeeping missions which is a very good sign for uplifting gender mainstreaming around the world. “This is one of the major concerns of UN now a days. Bangladesh is not lagging behind in that aspect,”
She said the members of armed forces and police, by showing their exemplary competence have earned respect from associating peacekeepers at the same time have also attained everlasting love from the people of war- ravaged countries.

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