BBC to axe more than 1000 jobs

BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has announced that more than 1000 employees will be laid off due to loss of income on license fees.
BBC Director General Tony Hall said a gap of £150 million ($234.2 milllion) in the corporation’s license fee income forced them to take the decision.
Hall underlined that the number of households claiming that ‘they do not watch live TV’ and who therefore do not pay the license has increased substantially, forcing the BBC to find a way to cut down expenses.
Hall also said the BBC was saving £1.5 billion pounds ($2.3 billion) every year already, but more cuts had to be introduced.
Professional and support areas will see the most cuts, and savings in the amount of £50 million ($78 million) can be achieved, according to Hall.
Any household having a TV set has to pay £145.50 pounds ($225) per year under British licensing regulations.

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