BNP advisers sacked over ‘fraudulent’ statement

The BNP has dismissed two party leaders for sending ‘fraudulent’ statements of six United States Congressmen to the media.
The two leaders have been identified as Zahid Sardar and Mojibor Rahman, both special advisers to the party and based in the United States, the party’s Vice Chairman Sadeque Hossain Khoka announced at a press conference in New York on Tuesday night.
Copies of a statement signed by BNP Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on this matter were distributed to reporters at the briefing.
He said Khaleda Zia instructed to cancel appointments of the two as soon as it was clear that the statement was false.
On January 8, the London-based IB Times had alleged that statement was sent to them by Khaleda’s elder son and BNP Senior Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman’s aide Humayun Kabir.
The fake statement said U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs and six congressmen have condemned the confinement of Khaleda Zia.
IBTimes later withdrew its report as the House Committee issued a statement saying neither the committee nor the Congress members issued any such statement on Bangladesh politics.

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