British Bangladeshi Businesses back the Conservative Party

As British Bangladeshi business owners, we collectively pledge our full support to the Conservative Party. We believe the Conservative Party is the only party to have a sustainable, long-term plan for our businesses.

The Conservatives have helped create 1.4 million more business since they came to office in 2010. They will continue to empower British businesses to thrive not only in the UK but will also unleash our potential to explore and champion international markets too.

The Conservatives will:
•Cancel planned corporation tax cuts, leaving the 19% rate in place, and sending the clearest possible signal that Britain is open for business.

•Continue to support smaller businesses with £13 billion worth of business rates relief, giving them more money to grow and invest. We made 100 per cent small business rates relieve permanent and doubled the threshold for small business rates in 2017.

•Support start-ups – creating the great British companies of tomorrow. The Start Up Loans programme, delivered through the British Business Bank, has lent £500 million to support 64, 000 entrepreneurs.

The NHS is always there for us, free at the point of use for everyone in the country and truly showcases the very best of Britain. We welcome the proposal to fast track ‘NHS visa’ for overseas applicants coming to work with the NHS. They will have better scope under the new points-based system. The Prime Minister has made it his immediate task to make sure frontline services have the funding they need. He has pledged a £13bn boost for 40 new hospitals in the UK. This is great news for patients and NHS staff.

The Conservative government has always been committed to the causes in Bangladesh and continue to increase the aid budget year on year. £192m has been planned for 2019/20. The top 3 planned spending programmes in 2018/19 were;

1.Strengthening humanitarian preparedness and response in Bangladesh – £81.4m
2.Strategic Partnership Arrangement II between DFID and BRAC – 40.4m
3.Better Health in Bangladesh – £16m

In October 2019 the Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Rt Hon Paul Scully MP assisted in making available an additional £87million for sustaining the Rohingya refugee operation in Cox’s Bazar, lifting the Conservative government’s contribution from the start of the crisis in August 2017 to a total of £226 million. The additional funding will help provide food, healthcare, water, sanitation, care and counselling for sexual violence survivors, and protection for vulnerable groups. Deputy chairman Paul Scully MP has made several trips to the Rohingya camps since the crisis had started, he is very compassionate towards the refugee families living in the camps and will continue to support all the victims who have been displaced from their homes.

Back Businesses;
Only the Conservatives believe in the value of businesses to create wealth for the nation – especially small businesses, family businesses and the self-employed. The Conservatives are committed to low taxation and promoting ease of business to support businesses to thrive in Britain.

The Conservative Party manifesto has pledged to work with some of the worlds largest economies in 2020. The use of export finance has already increased our access to emerging markets. We have ancestral ties with countries such as Bangladesh where we have access to trade in the key sectors which include Pharmaceuticals, Textiles, Leather goods, Ceramics and the growing IT services. The UK can offer bilateral trade opportunities to these emerging economies, we the British Bangladeshi’s will relish the opportunities availed to our British economy.
Yours faithfully,

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