Don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of the London Marathon

The search is on for the fastest young marathon runners in Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets Council is holding free trials to find the fastest young people to represent the borough in the London Mini Marathon on Sunday, April 13.
The Mini Marathon is run on the same day as the London Marathon and organised by the same people and takes place over the last three miles of the main marathon. All 33 London boroughs are invited to be involved.
The council is hoping to find the fastest young people from each category to form the Tower Hamlets’ Mini Marathon Team.
Any young person aged 11 to 17, who lives or studies in the borough can take part in the trials.
The trials will be held on Thursday, 13 February, at Victoria Park Harriers Club House at Cadogan Terrace.
There will be three race categories on the trials day (Under 13s, Under 15s and Under 17s), with the fastest boys and girls going through.
Registration starts at 12.30pm and races start at 1pm for Under 13s, 1.30pm for Under 15s and 2pm for Under 17s.
Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for our young people to be part of an international sporting event. Just as the Olympics inspired so many people to reach their potential I hope the London Marathon will do the same.”
Cllr Rania Khan, cabinet member for culture, added: “Doing the Mini Marathon is a great way to be part of the world famous London Marathon which runs through the borough.
The council is committed to supporting young athletes who are the sporting heroes of the future.”
The Council’s Sports Development Team is working with Tower Hamlets and Victoria Park Athletics club to provide training sessions for the youngsters that get through the trials, taking place for seven weeks at Mile End Stadium on Tuesday evenings between the trials and race day.
For an application form and further details contact Shenneth Brereton, Sports Development Officer on 0207 364 2437 or 07956 456 725.

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