Electoral Commission report on electoral fraud in the UK

Electoral Commission report on electoral fraud in the UK. A council spokesman said “Tower Hamlets Council has welcomed the recommendations of the Electoral Commission in a new report designed to combat any possibility of electoral fraud in the UK. Many of those recommendations are based on best practice that is already in place in the borough and which the council has been developing with the Commission as part of our own local Code of Practice for the 2014 Mayoral and Council elections.
“The Electoral Commission has previously confirmed that our activities exceed current practices in the vast majority of other London boroughs and we were found to be above standard in a report published by the Commission in May 2013.
“We are pleased that the Commission has built on our work locally to make recommendations to national government and our plans therefore already include measures to address many of the recommendations in the current report. As with previous elections, Tower Hamlets will have the support of police to ensure free and fair elections. Police and council enforcement officers will be located at designated polling places and presiding officers will be checking outside polling stations to monitor any crowds gathering and report any intimidation issues. Strong anti-fraud measures are in place to ensure the integrity of the election process both at polling stations and in relation to postal votes. All allegations of registrations irregularities will be fully and promptly investigated.
“The council is continuously reviewing its policies and we will shortly be publishing the local Code.”

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