Jews & Muslims Break The Fast Together In London

Jews & Muslims Break The Fast Together in LondonRamadan is an opportunity to bring people together from different faiths. It creates a special atmosphere for Muslims & Non-Muslims. It is a great opportunity to share values and to organise events and activities at all levels that people can easily engage in, be part of and benefit from. Community Of Jews And Muslims UK organised a joint fast and break the fast on 18 th Ramadan, 17th Tammuz in Central London (this year, the 18th day of both the Islamic and Hebrew months).
Jews & Muslims Break The Fast Together in London2It was really a wonderful evening. Guests came from different part of the UK. The programme started at 8pm. It was a fabulous night for Jews and Muslims where both shared prayers, read Quran & Torah, stories and conversation. First Jumana Moon presented this event to the guest. Sef Townsend & David Bash shared the story from Torah and Judith sang a song. In conversation the guests expressed their views and shared their own opinion to build up a better community.
Jews & Muslims Break The Fast Together in LondonBefore Ifter Mfa Zaman recited from Holy Quran & lead the Magrib Salah. After that Jews broke their fast also and together shared delicious food to break the fasts of Ramadan & Tammuz. Community of Jews And Muslims donated money which will go to Westminster Food Bank, on organisation working hard to feed hungry families and individuals in this central London.
It was a wonderful night between Jewish & Muslims. The guests met with new people & build up new friendship. It brought the opportunity to talk about peace & work together. Community of Jews and Muslims hope, it will help the building of vibrant, re-connect both side and create a warm friendly Jewish & Muslim communities in London and elsewhere in the UK.
Jews & Muslims Break The Fast Together in London3

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