Last chance to apply for business travel grant

Tower Hamlets businesses can still apply for a new travel grant from the Zero Emissions Network to encourage sustainable travel in the workplace.
Pots of up to £1,000 are now available to help local workplaces create environmentally-friendly travel methods and incentives for staff and visitors.
Cycle maintenance, shower facilities, staff rewards and electric charging points are just some of the ways the money from the ZEN Travel Grant can be used.
Applications are welcome from all businesses in Tech City and surrounding area (Spitalfields, Shoreditch and Weavers), however they need to first sign-up to the Zero Emissions Network (ZEN) – a pioneering eco project which sees experts from Towers Hamlets, Hackney and Islington councils help businesses save money, reduce pollutants and improve staff health through cash-saving deals and free advice and services.
To apply for the grant, workplaces have to commit to a travel plan that will be developed in conjunction with the ZEN team.
The applications will be assessed on an individual basis – here’s how to apply:
1. ZEN registration – First sign-up your business to ZEN to mark your commitment to improving air quality. Your local ZEN contact will then be in touch to explain the services on offer and to complete a business site survey.
2. Travel survey – A minimum of 30 per cent of your staff need to respond to a short online survey to help ZEN experts develop a bespoke travel plan, addressing the key issues highlighted in the questionnaire. The deadline for receiving staff travel data is Friday 19 December.
3. Apply for grant -The grant application should be based on the actions set out in the travel plan and should provide quotes for the works/actions recommended.  The ZEN team will be on-hand to provide help to complete the grant application if required.
4. Monitoring – A snapshot survey will be carried out 12 months after the grant has been released. Evidence will be required that the grant was spent on the proposed initiative. This survey is compulsory and allows assessment of the success of the initiative.
Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “Businesses that can encourage their staff and visitors to travel in an environmentally friendly manner are to be commended. These travel grants offer businesses the chance to kick start their commitment to the environment.”
Cllr Shahed Ali, Tower Hamlet Council’s cabinet member for clean and green, said: “This is a great opportunity for businesses to really focus on reducing emissions. The travel grants, together with the free advice from the local ZEN experts, will benefit not only the business and their staff, but the wider community too with a cleaner, less polluted environment.”
To find out more information about the travel grant please email or call 020 8356 6113.
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