Mayor’s Activities for Young People

TowerYoungsters from across the borough took part in the various activities on offer during half term last week (February 17-23).
Tower Hamlets Council arranged over a hundred activities and workshops as part of the Mayor’s Activities for Young People that saw the youths learn a new skill, try out a new sport or make new friends throughout the week.
Max Music Studio over at the Bow Business Centre opened its doors to a group of young people who learnt what it takes to produce music with a weeklong music production course.
From recording vocals to creating their own beats, the youngsters were able to experience first-hand what it’s like to work with state of the art audio equipment
Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “I am very pleased that once again the programme of events and workshops this half term has been popular amongst our young people. We will continue to offer our young people a broad range of positive activities for them to engage in.”
The programme of activities delivered every school holiday also gave young people the opportunity to take part in cooking workshops, sports training, glass painting and the chance to own a pony for a day at Mudchute Park and Farm.
Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families, Cllr Oliur Rahman, said: “I’m glad that young people will be returning to school this week having picked up a new skill or experience through the Mayor’s Activities for Young People.”

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