MFA Zaman Awarded For His Service In 2021

MFA Zaman has been awarded by The Mayor of Lewisham for his service during Covid Pandemic. The Mayor’s Award scheme was launched in 2017 to recognise those who live, work, study in Lewisham who volunteer time and support to benefit others in the borough.

MFA Zaman is one of the front-line volunteers during Covid19 Pandemic. He joined the NHS Nightingale Hospital in 2020. But he did not stop himself at Nightingale Hospital; he completed 100 miles walk in 10 days while fasting in Ramadan, to raise funds for NHS Charities Together. During lockdown, he served the food to the homeless in the street of London from his charity ‘Safe & Save’. And after lockdown he joined with Mayor of London’s Ambassador to raise awareness and provide masks at London Underground. To overcome the pandemic and save the lives; Zaman joined in the NHS vacation project. Also, his service has recognised by the NHS England.
Mayor of Lewisham Damien Egan said, We have received 187 nominations for awards who done an amazing service for our community. They have played such a huge part of our community response to Covid and who I know will continue to do incredible things in the year ahead. We recognised the contribution and heard some moving stories such as MFA Zaman have made a difference during the coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for everything you all do for our borough and London.
The award winner MFA Zaman has shared his gratitude to the Almighty and those people who always inspired him to carry on the service. He said, It was a crucial decision in my life to join with NHS to save lives while everyday hundreds of people were losing their life due to Covid. But I knew that I did right because I responded on right time while the nation needs. I am really appreciative to the Mayor of Lewisham for the award which, always motivate me to continue my service for others. It never eases to carry on the volunteer service while your own life in difficulties. But it always motivated me to overcome the challenge to win. My philosophy in volunteering is, Let’s help without exception, love without condition, give a smile with peace. Let us support each other to move forward and always be grateful for every single blessing in life.

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