PM Hasina in parliament

No quota in public service recruitment

HasinaPrime minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday told parliament that there would be no quota system in recruitment in public service since nobody wants it.
‘Since nobody wants it, there will be no quota system. If it remains, such movement for reform would recur, studies will hamper more time will be wasted and people will suffer,’ she said.
The prime minister said even the women representatives of the protesters during talks with road transport minister Obaidul Quader had said they do not even want quota for women. ‘Then why it should be there. Recruitment in public service would be done on the basis of merit,’ she said adding that the government would chalk out other ways to provide jobs for marginalized people such as ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.
The prime minister made the remarks in response to Awami League MP Jahangir Kabir Nanak’s question during the prime minister’s question hour.
The prime minister also vented her anger at vandalising the bungalow of Dhaka University vice-chancellor. ‘It was similar to what Pakistani army did at our Dhanmondi home in 1971… None involved with such heinous act would go unpunished. I have asked the intelligence to trace such attackers,’ she said.
The prime minister asked the students to go back to classrooms.
The prime minister’s announcement came amid widespread demonstration of students across the country demanding reformation of the quota system.
The students of public and private universities across Bangladesh have been demonstrating to press home their demand since Sunday.

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