Parents pledge to ‘Make one Change’ to improve family life

Parents pledgeMore than 150 parents and carers in Tower Hamlets have pledged to ‘Make One Change’ to improve family life.
Those attending the eighth annual Tower Hamlets Council parent conference included parents, grandparents, foster carers, teenage parents and parents currently living in a women’s refuge.
The theme of the event was ‘Make One Change’. It focused on the many things big and small parents might do to improve family life and outcomes for their children.
Throughout the day parents recorded their pledge to ‘Make One Change’ during the coming year. Parents’ pledges included “To be more active in my community and start talking to my neighbours”, “To tell my children more often how much I love them” and “To become a school governor”.
Mayor Lutfur Rahman said: “I congratulate these parents and carers for their commitment to improving the lives of their children.
“I know how challenging being a parent can be and this council does all it can to support parents to help ensure every child fulfils their potential.”
The conference, held on Wednesday, March 19 at the Isis Building, Thames Quay, was aimed as a celebration of the achievements of parents and carers. Guest speakers included Cllr Oliur Rahman, the council cabinet member for children, schools and families, and Robert McCulloch-Graham, corporate director of Education, Social Care and Wellbeing.
The keynote speaker was Dr Sue Black who has been campaigning for equality and more support for women in technology for more than 10 years. She gave an inspirational presentation encouraging parents to embrace the possibilities presented by advances in technology.
Parents also shared their experiences and ideas during workshops, which included positive approaches to parenting, becoming a parent governor and e-safety.
The council offers a wide range of support and courses for parents. In the past year more than 400 adults have completed parenting courses.
During the past 12 months Dads’ Network has been launched and the Parent and Carer Council has been going from strength to strength, with between 30 and 50 people attending each meeting.
These parenting forums are extremely popular and serve to give parents a voice in how parenting services in the borough are delivered.
At the conference, Cllr Oliur Rahman told assembled guests: “Despite the many challenges within the local authority and education during the last few years, Tower Hamlets parents and carers have shown they are more committed than ever to supporting their children’s learning and ensuring young people have more opportunities to achieve.
“You have done some fantastic work with schools, early years settings and other partners to ensure the support for families in Tower Hamlets is broad and innovative.”

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