Planning for the future of primary school places

Woolmore School visitThe latest step in addressing future demand for primary school places in Tower Hamlets is on track.
Tower Hamlets Council is in the process of tripling the capacity of Woolmore Primary School by replacing the current building with a much larger, state-of-the-art school.
The £10million project started in July 2013 and is on schedule to be completed by July 2015. The current school capacity is 210, and the expansion will provide a further 420 school pupil places.
Mayor Lutfur Rahman visited the site on Monday and said: “I am pleased to see the exciting project at Woolmore Primary School is on target.
“This wonderful new school will make a real difference to the community. It is one of several examples of how we are taking action now to ensure we can cope with the expanding school population in Tower Hamlets.”
It is projected that there will be about 8,000 more primary school age pupils in Tower Hamlets over the next 10 years. In the past four years the equivalent of 1,575 extra primary school places have been provided and the council will continue to provide more places to meet the rising need.
Cllr Oliur Rahman, cabinet member for children, schools and families, said: “We are working hard with our communities to provide world-class facilities for our children. We don’t only want to make sure we have enough spaces for everyone, but that everyone gets a space at a first-class school.”
The project at Woolmore Primary School is being completed in two phases by Bouygues UK. The new four-storey building is being constructed at the moment on the site of the former medical centre site next to the existing school. This is due to be completed by January 2015.
Then the children will move into their new environment and the existing school will be demolished and landscaped to create a series of outdoor play areas include nature areas, a multi-use games area and a running track.
The works are being funded from the government’s Basic Need grant and a contribution from the Section 106 funding arising from the Blackwall Reach redevelopment.
Headteacher Tracy Argent said: “The children, staff, governors and parents are all very excited by the new school.
“This is creating even more schools places for our children in a fantastic environment which allows us to provide the very best education possible.”
Olga Primary School will soon be demolished and rebuilt as a larger school, Bonner and Cayley schools have recently been expanded and Stebon School will be expanded from September this year.

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