Tower Hamlets children are top of London school health league

TowerTower Hamlets has been named as leading the way in London for the amount of Healthy Schools. The borough has by far the highest proportion of schools with a Healthy Schools London Award.
Figures from the office of the Mayor of London show that 95 per cent of Tower Hamlets schools have at least a Bronze award. This is way ahead of the next highest figure in the capital, Islington with 45 per cent.
Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman said: “I am delighted that schools in this borough are leading the way in London.
“Healthy children make better learners, which is why we in Tower Hamlets place so much emphasis on encouraging healthy living among our children. Parents, carers, schools and council staff have risen to this challenge and as a result, the health, wellbeing and educational performance of our children benefits.”
The Healthy Schools London scheme is aimed at acknowledging health and wellbeing work in the capital’s schools and issues Bronze, Silver and Gold awards to recognise healthy achievements and practices.
The latest figures were released this week in response to a written question to the London Mayor about the scheme.
The borough’s schools are supported by the council Healthy Lives Team. Healthy school tuck shops and packed lunches, support around emotional health and wellbeing, increased physical activity sessions, alcohol and drug education and cookery and gardening clubs are just some of the activities and projects local schools and the Healthy Lives team have set up to achieve the standard, which assesses schools across a range of criteria.
Cabinet member for children’s services Cllr Gulam Robbani said: “We are pleased that our progress in making healthy living a way of life for our children has been recognised, but we are not stopping there. We currently have 19 schools with the Silver Award – which is again the highest number in London – and are pushing hard to get some Gold Awards soon.”
Last month the council held a Healthy Schools and Healthy Early Years Celebration Event at the ExCel Centre to highlight all the excellent work being done and to share ideas.

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