Tower Hamlets has one of the lowest Council Tax charges in the country

It was recently announced in Parliament, that Tower Hamlets Council charges one of the lowest rates of Council Tax in England.
Based on the Band D measure, which determines the amount of Council Tax that all residents in the country should pay each year, Tower Hamlets was the seventh lowest local authority for charges to residents.
And the good news will continue. At the council’s budget setting meeting last week, the council agreed that Council Tax will remain frozen for the fourth consecutive year (2014/15).
The budget meeting also agreed that budget savings, identified last year, were on track and that no additional savings would be required by the council for this financial year.
Tower Hamlets Mayor, Lutfur Rahman said: “We will continue to do all we can to support residents through these challenging financial times.
“In addition to keeping council tax charges low, our Council Tax Support Scheme has helped protect 10,000 pensioners and 25,000 residents on low income from the impact of government benefit cuts.
“And we have helped thousands of residents to find work in recent years.”
Councillor Alibor Choudhury, Cabinet Member for Resources, said: “We have frozen Council Tax in Tower Hamlets for the last 4 years, and our services have still gone from strength to strength; the borough has never been cleaner or greener, our schools have received national recognition, and we now have more police and THEOS on the streets than ever, to keep residents safe.

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