Tower Hamlets prepares to picnic and party for the Royal Wedding

There will be rejoicing in Tower Hamlets as communities across the borough host street parties and other events to celebrate the Royal Wedding of HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markleon Saturday May 19.
Bunting will be up in Mile End Park as the council invites residents of all ages to bring along a picnic and join in a Royal Wedding celebration from 12-4pm.
Attractions will include fairground rides, sporting activities, arts and crafts and a bungee run.
Judith St John, Divisional Director, Leisure and Culture said: “All year round Tower Hamlets events bring our communities together in our parks and open spaces. The Royal Wedding is a great chance for residents from all backgrounds to meet others and strengthen our ties by having fun at a street party, a community event or by coming along to the picnic at Mile End Park”.
Neighbours in Poplar, one of five LinkAge Plus centres funded by the council and Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group to run activities and improve the well being of older residents, will be wishing the couple well by holding a celebratory event on 25 May at St Matthias Community Centre, 113 Poplar High Street.
The council has awarded small grants to tenants and residents groups to hold their own celebrations.
Residents of Patriot Square Estate in Bethnal Green are planning a traditional East End street party and have been awarded a small grant to help with their celebrations.
Organiser Kate Eberwein, who has lived on the local estate for about eight years, said the party will take place in a pedestrianised area, which overlooks a community garden.
“Everyone’s really excited. We all get on well and the Royal Wedding is a nice excuse for a party which will be a positive way of bringing those who have lived on the estate for a while, and new residents together,” Kate said.
The picnic in Mile End Park will take place at the events field, Haverfield Road, (off Grove Road) E3 5TW. For further information email

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