Zul Hijjah crescent moon not sighted

MoonAccording to the Saudi Supreme Court the Zul Hijjah crescent moon has not been spotted on Monday evening, according to a tweet sent out by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
The Supreme Court in Saudi Arabia said : ‘Zul Hijjah crescent not sighted’.
The court will meet again on Tuesday to issue a decision regarding the moon sighting.
The tweet, which was in Arabic, translates to:
#Supreme Court: Zul Hijjah Crescent not sighted. The crescent of Zul Hijjah could not be  sighted last night (Monday), Supreme Court in Saudi Arabia announced on Monday. The court will meet on Tuesday to decide sighting the moon .
The sighting of the Zul Hijjah moon will decide the day of Standing on Arafat, the climax of the Haj pilgrimage, and subsequently the Eid Al-Adha day.
Eid Al Adha to begin on September 1
The first day of Eid Al Adha will be September 1, 2017, the department of astronomy and space sciences at Kuwait Science Club has announced.
In a press release issued by the department, and quoted across Kuwaiti media, the department announced that Wednesday, August 23, will be the first day of Zul Hijjah, 1438.
Arafat Day, which falls on the ninth day of the Zul Hijjah month, will be observed on Thursday, August 31, while Eid Al Adha will be observed on September 1.

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