Residents enjoy Tower Hamlets summer markets

Residents have been enjoying a season of summer markets run by Tower Hamlets Council.
The summer evening markets are happening in Whitechapel and at Watney market on Friday and Saturday evenings between 7pm and 11pm, from June 27 to July 26.
An additional market is also running at Petticoat Lane market on Middlesex Street, between 10am and 4pm from Monday to Friday.
Visitors and bargain-hunters can enjoy a relaxing time eating out, shopping or browsing through a range of goods and foods from around the world.
Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “I am glad that residents have been coming along and making the most of our summer markets. They have plenty of food stalls and provide a great opportunity for eating out or a leisurely shopping expedition. I hope even more residents will come along and soak up the atmosphere during the summer months.”
Cllr Ohid Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, added: “The summer markets are a good way for us to meet the demand for street food, whilst still ensuring that food safety standards are met and local people are not unduly disturbed.”
A team of Markets Enforcement Officers have been patrolling the evening markets to ensure that all traders are licenced, that any food sellers comply with health and safety standards, and that noise and disturbance are kept to a minimum.
Illegal street traders will be dealt with through advisory or official warnings, fixed penalty notices, or prosecution.
People who are interested in becoming licensed traders at the markets can contact the council’s markets team on or 0207 364 1717/ 1707/ 1708. You can also visit:

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