18th Carrom Euro Cup held in London

Carrom Euro Cup held in LondonAffiliated by the European Carrom Confederation, UK Carrom Federation’s 18th Carrom Euro Cup 2014 was recently held in London.
United Kindom became the Champion in this year’s competition. This year’s team was lead by Najrul Islam Koyesh, Morshed Khan, Kernal Abedin and yash Kumar. Kernal Abedin became the Champion in Single’s competition and Peare and Febian of France became Runner Up and Third.
Sonahor Ali and Majharul Islam became champion in Doubles. Polish players became champion and runners up in 18 yrs age group where as Rahat Islam of the UK became third in same category.
Competitors from UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Poland, France, Nederland, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic and Bulgaria took part in the competition.
Wife of former President of ICF, Mrs Asha Sharma handed over prizes among the winners in LCC House in South London on 10 August. The whole event was conducted by General Secretary of UK Carrom Federation Shoeb Ahmed. UK Carrom Federation’s President Najrul Islam Koyes gave the welcoming speech. He thanked to all who took part and helped to make the competition successful.
Tournament Committee’s Vice President Sonahor Ali, General Secretary Shoeb Ahmed, Assistant General Secretry Ala Miah, Tresurer Anhar Ali, Publicity Secretary Omar Sanakal, Tournament Secretrry Kernal Abedin, Assitant Tournment Secretry Mijbah Ahmed and others were present in the prize giving ceremony.

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