Saudi family bids farewell to housemaid with gold, roses

Saudi family bids farewell to housemaid with gold, rosesA Saudi family has organized a farewell party for their Ethiopian housemaid who worked with them for four years and had to go back home finally for personal reasons.
The family, according to Al-Riyadh newspaper on Wednesday, described their housemaid as a role model of loyalty and dedication.
The family members agreed to organize the farewell party in the presence of a number of their relatives and friends who all appreciated her good manners and fine treatment of everyone.
Um Mufleh Al-Balawi, the housewife, said addressing the housemaid: “You have served our family with sincerity and dedication. We wished so much that you could spend many more years with us.”
The housewife said her maid’s personal circumstances back home obliged her to leave though they did not have enough of her.
“You have left behind a good impression about expatriate housemaids who are keen to make a honorable living in the Kingdom,” she said.
Al-Balawi said during the farewell party, her maid was showered with gifts, including gold, money and roses. “This was in appreciation of what she has done for us,” she said.

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