Yusuf Islam pens song for Srebrenica

Yusuf Islam pens song for SrebrenicaInternationally renowned musician Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, has composed a haunting and evocative piece of instrumental music for Remembering Srebrenica.

The global star, known for hits such as Morning Has Broken and Peace Train, was moved by the story of Srebrenica and the suffering endured by the families of the 8,372 people murdered – prompting him to compose the piece.

In a report to charity foundation Remembering Srebrenica, Yusuf, said: “A haunting melody in my mind seemed to me to call out the name, ‘Srebrenica’ – though I left it unsaid.

“In my entire recording career I have written only a half dozen insrumentals, but sometimes an instrumental is enough. You don’t need words or lyrics, the music paints its own story. No one who saw or heard about what happened at Srebrenica could help but be moved.”

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