Seasonal reflections at the Mayor’s Christmas Reception

MayorLeaders from 21 different faith organisations in Tower Hamlets recently joined Mayor Lutfur Rahman at a packed reception to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and consider new ways for the council and faith communities to work together.
The leaders represented a large cross section of Christian communities from all denominations – Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal, Methodist, Unitarian, Salvation Army and Baptist – alongside Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist leaders.
Mayor Lutfur Rahman said: “Our faith communities play a key role throughout the year in supporting the needy and vulnerable in our community as we work together to create a better Tower Hamlets..
“I believe this partnership between the council and faith groups in Tower Hamlets is vital. We do much alone and can do even more together.”
Mayor 2The group were entertained by Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate School’s Choir who sang seasonal hymns and they were treated to a special guest appearance from Kaiser Henry – the winner Of the Mayor’s Christmas Card design competition.
Alan Green, Chair of Tower Hamlets Interfaith Forum, said, “The work that local faith communities do in supporting their own congregations, serving the wider community and, particularly, responding to the needs of the marginalised and vulnerable tends to happen without much fuss or attention-seeking.
“But so much more can be achieved when we are able to work in partnership with other agencies, such as the local Council, and this reception is a clear sign of the commitment of the Mayor and Council of Tower Hamlets to such partnership working based on mutual respect and support for the benefit of all who live and work here, whatever their faith or creed.”

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