UK Shechashebok Dol demonstrates in front of British Parliament

UK Shechashebok DolJatiotabadi Shechashebok Dol UK branch organised a demonstration in front of British Parliament in protest of prohibiting food access to former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia’s office.  The demonstrators demanded immediate withdrawal of the embargo on entering food in former Prime Minister’s office.  A huge number of BNP activists, leaders and supporters took part in the demonstration.
The demonstration took place on 17th February afternoon and lasted for two hours.  UK BNP, Lawyer’s Forum, Jubo Dol, Torun Dol and many expats joined the demonstration with placards and banners depicting the human rights violation by the present government and the political killings and abductions of the current regime.
The leaders of UK BNP and UK Shechashebok Dol complained that this government has imposed embargo on entering food in former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia’s office and thus conspiring to kill the former Prime Minister from starvation.
UK Shechashebok Dol Convenor Nasir Ahmed Shahin presided over the demonstration meeting and Member Secretary Abul Hossain conducted it.   Other speakers who addressed the demonstrators included BNP Central Committee International Affairs Secretary Mahidur Rahman, UK BNP President Shayesta Chowdhury Kuddus, General Secretary Koysor M Ahmed, former convenor M A Malek, Senior Vice-President Abdul Hamid Chowdhury, Vice-President Abul Kalam Azad, Toimus Ali, Mohammod Akhtar Hossain, Joint Secretary Shahidul Islam Mamun, Co-General Secretary Shamsur Rahman Mahtab and oters.

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