Whitechapel Idea Store launches White Ribbon Campaign

The White Ribbon Campaign to tackle domestic violence in Tower Hamlets was officially launched at the Whitechapel Idea Store last week.
Idea Store staff joined the council’s community safety team and police at the launch event on Tuesday, November 25.
Tower Hamlets Council is supporting the White Ribbon Campaign, designed to raise awareness of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and to encourage residents to help condemn it.
The event also marked the launch of the 16 Days of Action Against Abuse campaign.
Idea Stores across the borough have trained all their front line staff in domestic abuse awareness so they can help offer residents support if they need it.
Some staff members are now being trained further, to become Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) champions.
The council is aiming to address historic under-reporting of domestic abuse – a national problem caused by lack of confidence in the reporting system.
A key component of their approach to tackling this issue is to recruit VAWG champions from full-time employment, community organisations, the education sector and young people to help offer victims support.
Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “We are proud to support these campaigns to help eradicate gender based violence in Tower Hamlets. It is important the council and all residents show victims of these heinous crimes that we support them.”
Cllr Ohid Ahmed, cabinet member for community safety added: “The White Ribbon Campaign was launched by men who wanted to stand up to gender based abuse and violence. As approximately 97 per cent of all known victims of interpersonal violence in Tower Hamlets are female, it is vital we support the White Ribbon and 16 Days of Action Against Abuse campaigns.”
Domestic abuse can include a person using threatening and coercive behaviour towards their partner, preventing their partner from seeing or contacting friends or managing their own finances, or humiliating their partner in front of other people.
Residents are encouraged to report domestic violence to the council’s helpline on 0800 279 5434 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm). Hate Crime should be reported on 0800 138 0521 and any issues relating to anti-social behaviour on 0800 917 5918.

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