Win the battle against tobacco this No Smoking Day

Tower Hamlets Council and the NHS are encouraging residents to access local services to quit tobacco this No Smoking Day on Wednesday, March 12.
Stop smoking advisors will be promoting the campaign, providing free and friendly advice, information and support on local stop smoking services.
No Smoking Day is one of the UK’s biggest health awareness campaigns, run by the British Heart Foundation. The annual campaign helps smokers who want to quit by creating a supportive environment and highlighting the many sources of help and advice available.
Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman said: “Supporting residents to quit tobacco is a major priority of the council to help reduce health inequalities and improve the wellbeing of local people.”
Although smoking has decreased in Tower Hamlets, the borough continues to have amongst the highest levels of smoking and smokeless tobacco use in London with over 45,000 adults (24.5 per cent) compared to 21 per cent in London.
Cllr Abdul Asad, cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “Tower Hamlets has a variety of services to suit everyone’s needs. Over the past year, local stop smoking services have helped over 1,400 people quit tobacco, so why not see how they can help you.”
Dr Sam Everington, a local GP and chair of NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “By stopping smoking you reduce the chances of you – and the people around you who inhale your cigarette smoke – getting lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and other related illnesses.
“We’re keen to help people in Tower Hamlets to understand the dangers of smoking and to give people who want to quit the tools and support to do so. Giving up is hard, but it can be done. The important thing is to get started.”
Stop by one of these locations on Wednesday March 12 for more information and advice:
Royal London Hospital main entrance, Whitechapel Road, E1 1BB
9am – 4pm
Chrisp Street Market, Poplar, E14 6AQ
10am – 2pm
There are also ongoing, regular stop smoking drop-in sessions on a weekly basis. For more information on their locations and times visit:
For more information on No Smoking Day visit:

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