Zaman Will Cross 150 Miles In London Marathon 2016

MerathonMfa Zaman is running in London Marathon 2016 on Sunday, 24th April. More than 38,000 runners will participate in the world biggest charity event to help different charity organization and projects.  Zaman is running to help the disabled kids on behalf of Get Kids Going. So far Zaman has completed 145 miles run only to help those kids. And he will cross 150 miles in the London Marathon 2016.
Zaman said; He is really excited to run in London Marathon for second time. But this is not only run; through my run; I am trying to make a difference in someone’s life; who was struggling because of disability.  As a member of British community it is my moral responsibility to help and encourage them with best ability. Because they have talent like others but they need some special support and care.  And Get Kids Going is doing & providing this special support. They provide them all kind equipment, training, transport and other facilities. Why they need our help and support? Because they have received very limited support from local government which is never enough to shine a disabled person and same time their family could not afford all these. But Get Kids Going has made it possible for them and brings the light in their life. And it became possible because people are supporting and donating to this Get Kids Going.
Greatest cricketer Sir Viv Richards OBE, Brian Lara, British Decathlete Daley Thompson CBE, British commedia, Russell Brand; all those famous person have encouraged Zaman to carry on this charity work to help the disabled kids.
Get Kids Going who is working hard to develop disabled kids age between 5-20 years old from every colour & race. They are specialist on sports training like rugby, cricket, athletics, badminton, basketball etc. After the training these disabled kids are participated in world sports event like Para-Olympic, Common wealth game and other sports events. They are doing great work to change a disabled person’s life. Lord Co OBE is the Chairman of the Get Kids Going.
Zaman said, This is not end; I have done London Marathon 2015 and after London Marathon 2016; I would like to carry on support them through my run. So I need all of your support and encouragement. And I am giving special thanks who are keep supporting and donating me because without them; it would be not possible. So my achievement is all of your achievement.
This is my humble requests to all of you please share my message and donate generously to achieve my target which would change a life. Please visit to Or Donate by Text MFAZ99 £10 to 70070 (it’s free).

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