Israeli army kills Palestinian nurse

NajjarPalestinian nurse Razan al-Najar, 21, who embraced martyrdom in the face of indiscriminate gunfire by Israeli troops on Friday, is fondly remembered by those who knew her as “guardian angel”.
In an interview, two days after the Great Return March commenced, Najar said helping those injured by Israeli soldiers was not an easy task.
“My uniform has turned red with the blood of the pure and precious. And I am proud of that.
“I am aware that such a duty is not easy for a young woman, however, I am committed to completing this march and help the wounded and needy people,” she had said.
In Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to a great humanitarian crisis due to Israeli blockade for years, peaceful demonstrations have been held since late March.
Since the mass Gaza rallies began on March 30, more than 100 Palestinian protesters have been martyred by Israeli army gunfire.
Israeli soldiers use live ammunition against civilian people who demand going back to their towns and villages in old Palestine and an end to the illegitimate blockade Israel has imposed on Gaza since 2006.
Najar was shot in the chest by Israeli snipers while running to a wounded Palestinian’s aid in Khan Younis city in southern Gaza Strip.
Dr. Salah er-Rantisi, head of the Sahra Hospital in the district, said that Najar was brought to the hospital with severe injuries. “The bullet hit her chest, piercing through her back,” he noted.
Dozens of Palestinians, shocked at the young medic’s martyrdom, rushed to Gaza Europe Hospital, where her body was later taken. Najar’s family, friends and colleagues burst into tears, and some collapsed when they saw her body.
Her colleagues claimed that Israeli troops shot their “guardian angel” despite her white uniform. She had raised her hand to imply she wanted to help a wounded protestor who had collapsed 50 meters before the border fence.
Palestinian Health Minister Jevad Avad said in a statement that the Israeli act of directly shooting a volunteer nurse who assisted a wounded in the Great March of Return was a war crime.

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